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Saturday, July 30, 2022

Here comes TESSA

Inner growth, transformation, and true change from within the core of oneself can be achieved through the lessons of daily life. My relationship with the bulldog my daughters and I rescued from the pound has provided a plethora of daily lessons for me to grapple with. Tessa is wounded, and when her wounds are triggered by outside influences like being left alone, a dog that is too close, or overstimulation, a transformation occurs. Tessa is calm, cuddly, soft, and sweet when she feels safe. Tessa is aggressive, strong, and close-minded when she is scared or overstimulated. I see this transformation when we are on our walks. Usually, while walking, Tessa doesn't pull; she stays right by my side, and we walk in tandem with her, stopping to sniff or check out her surroundings on occasion. If a dog is in the vicinity but does not pay her any attention, she may look up but remains calm. As soon as the dog looks at her or shows any signs of wanting to get in Tessa's space, Tessa immediately goes from calm to hyperfocused, strong, sturdy, and ready to fight. Tessa also has significant separation anxiety. When left alone, she has ruined blinds, chewed through doors, destroyed door handles, and broken a crate trying to find an escape. She has been a lot of work. I have to work with her every day so she can be content instead of destructive. I don't know what happened to this sweet girl, but she must have been through some tough times, and that breaks my heart. This relationship between Tessa and me is helping me to see that we all have a past that must be allowed to work itself out so we don't destroy ourselves or others. I have to be patient with myself and with Tessa. There needs to be a healthy structure, boundaries, and lots of love. She is teaching me as much as I am teaching her. The world comes into our being and can quickly trigger our inner hurt, and like the spark of a fire, we become explosive. Unless we allow our inner selves to process our pain, we will destroy what is around us.

Friday, June 10, 2022


To live life to the fullest is what I aspire to. I do not want to waste my moments caught up in the personal demons of fear, anger, HATRED. How do I free myself of the negative thoughts that consume my internal space? First, I must be AWARE of these subtle, energetic doses of doubt, untruths, and hidden distractions that take me down the path of discontentment. When I can be in the moment, truly in the moment, being who I am at that time, doing what is in front of me without hesitation, with full confidence in the power of what is, I am who I am meant to be. Mostly, it is about subtracting all the extra thoughts and feelings that seep into my heart and mind to take me out of the moment and into the delusion of my persona. I created this self-concept from pain, fear, and desire. If I can free myself from the weight of her pain, I can be my truth. Powerful, beautiful, loving, and full of a peace that can transform.